Monday 19 September 2011

Furries and Nytol.

I have taken two Nytol. It says it takes effect in twenty minutes, so we'll see how coherant I get toward the end.

I've been pretty busy these past few days, driving to two corners of the country to see certain people and filling my time at work with patrolling to the furthest-flung storm blasted wastelands that Surrey can offer.

Hang on a second, I need to brush my teeth, back in a sec.

There we are, much better. You know that furry feeling you get sometimes? I had that, rough as all hell. Anyway. On the way to the downstairs bathroom, which is seven feet door to door, the following things happened:
  • I was accosted by a small patterdale terrier called Hollie, who only wants me for the beef jerky I keep in my room
  • I fell over a Tortoise called Harry, who wasn't after jerky but was causing tailbacks as far as the front door
  • Mr. Whiskers, thankfully, was not around, otherwise I don't know what would have happened
This is more or less business as usual for this house, any normal, mundane activity is 'enhanced' by a small animal diving under your legs in a desperate bid to make you paraplegic.

It's been twenty five minutes and the Nytol has seemed to have brought up strange memories and thoughts about Furries. Now, to those people who don't know about them (for example, normal people) I will explain: A person whom the idea of an anthropomorphic animal, be it wolf, fox, cheetah, panda, fish, dragon, earthworm, whatever, is part of an alter-ego or 'true form' that they identify themselves with, like the native america spirit animal idea, except that it wears jeans and sandals, and is more likely than not called Stormreach, Lunarknight, or Lighteninghorsefoxbestfighter. Those guys seem harmless enough, but worry begins to take route when combined with outlandish fetishes, expansion/inflation, vore and nappies. Or some, or all.

I guess it's like ice cream and pizza: on their own, you can see why some people enjoy the stranger flavours more than others, but combine them and you've made a huge revolting mess and you're getting shocked looks from the people seated acoss from you at the restaurant.

I think I've brought this up (It has become quite difficult to type; so bear with me) because every time I browse DeviantArt I find at least two pictures of either A: A wolf/fox/cheetah with a japanese hair style and massive jugs or B: A dragon/lizard/pokemon with a japanese haircut with massive jugs shows up, bits dangling everywhere and generally raising questions on ethics, deviancy and the future of genetic technology. I'm onto you genome scientists, you rascally devils. Could we one day have a winged hermaphrodite tundra wolf with blue hair? Who are we to play God?

I wish this was exaggerating, but a small part of me wonder why I look at DeviantArt; is it for the art..

Or is it for the cow girl with a staff?.
Shine on, you crazy diamonds, if it wasn't for these pioneers, we would surely not have experienced the Cadbury Bunny. You know the one I mean.

It seems that Nytol has destroyed my brain.I am off to bed before I type even more strange things, such as the practicality of making phone cases from walnut, you know, like what they have on the dashboards in old Jaguars. That would be as classy as heck.

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