Thursday 2 February 2012

Blog posts are hard!

I have just typed out and then deleted four different sentences, and as a result have put four times more effort into doing nothing than if I had just kept them.

Damn it, I did it again. I am tired, and have a scratchy throat that isn't enough to even mildly inconvenience an average human being, but I am not an average human being. The constant low flame sat behind my tonsils is all I can think about at the moment and I am waiting for it to pass, which with any luck should be within the next four hundred and twenty eight years; and whilst that's on everything in my field of vision is just a garish and over-bright monster stabbing my bloodshot eyes.
But I have gotten better and sorting myself out when I'm ill. I am not a hero who declines pain relief, as my belief is that anything that stops you from feeling bloody awful is better than the slightly confused looks you receive when you say "No thanks, I don't believe in making it easy for myself."
That's what the future and, you know, medicine is for.

If I lived in the dark ages, maybe I would decline pain relief, but only because pain relief was achieved by simply cutting you open and burning you as a witch; but nowadays? I can walk into a shop and buy pain relief for 45 pence (that's around eighteen American dollars) and the biggest thing I have to worry about is if I accidentally take a million of 'em one go and become so pain free I burst out of the other end of the pain spectrum and my body crumples in on itself like a can in vacuum.

That being said, the average throat lozenge is a tricky bugger, as I have found out today. Having bought myself eight hundred Strepsils (because all sore throats last a minimum of two years so they don't sell smaller boxes) I started popping those things 'as needed' as they used to be. Only taking a cursory glance at the box as the seventh-lozenge-in-fifteen-minutes slid down did I see the warning that I should only take one every three hours.
What the eff, Strepsils? You used to be cool. And now the walls are melting because of you, and I am probably going to die in a few minutes.

Thanks a lot.

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